How creative use of technology may have helped during the pandemic
Today, as we are celebrating 23rd National Technology Day, we have really come far from where we have started. Numerous space missions after the Pokhran nuclear tests of 1998 have helped India make it’s mark in the world. But today as we strive to fight this Pandemic, does this technology is really helping us to save humanity and earth. Past one month has been really scary and difficult for each one of us. Pain at the moment is at it’s zenith all around. The problems and sufferings are just growing. In these difficult times we are trying to find the solutions from the technology that we have.
First focus is on our future, the children and the generation upcoming. We have never imagined a world where going to Institutions would not be possible for children and way it has affected the academic of the children. Thanks to the technology which has helped us to continue provide the children with best we can.
If we estimate and think, about half the world’s schools remain shut down. This could have been a potentially damaging disruption to the education of an entire generation . But one of the few positive outcomes from this experience is an opportunity to rethink how digital technologies can be used to support teaching and learning in schools.
Countries have come together at this time of Pandemic and trying to find a solution to fight it as one world against a virus. Data scientists, Virologists all have been trying to develop the Vaccine in the record time. Getting the vaccine to common people within a year has never been achieved but this time we were able to develop and deliver in this record time. All thanks to the knowledge, people and technology that we have. But still I feel we lack somewhere, we should have been more capable to fight a virus, looking at the advancement that we have done in past few decades.
Though, In our country, past one month has seen a lot of panic & current situation leading to lack of resources like hospital beds, oxygen & medicines. In one such case – A technic from Hyderabad, Vensy Krishna, whose Mom contracted the virus & it was difficult for her to find the covid resources like oxygen , plasma and medicines, took the initiative to connect hyderbadies. Vensy Krishna Provided the platform to get the scarce resources information to all. She along with her friends determined and made an app which lists down all the name and numbers of all the essential service providers, if we can build that for all cities and town how helpful that is going to be. She was able to raise volunteers for updating the verified resources information onto the app. In another such case, Watsapp Chatbot has been helping people to find the covid resources and vital information “Intro Bot ” +1(234)517-8991.
Not just that , In this difficult time when the economy is sinking , the IT & the technology are helping to boost it . We wouldn’t have imagined how these resources would reach to the remote parts of the country , but due to technology it has been made possible.
Recently , have been launched multiple missions , that would help the people to get the ICUs setup at their home . When we are short of hospital beds , short of Volunteers & doctors, such services are really providing a sigh of relief . Who would have imagined setting up the ICUs in home , if we weren’t that advanced with technology . Another factor here is home Isolation with as big as 80% of contracted people, who are staying home, e-medical advices & online consultations have really helped people to get pass this tough time.
I see different social media influencers helping people by posting their requirements & amplifying their voice for the help needed. There are numerous cases in the country where people were able to help the unknown just by knowing about the others via these social media sites. Netizens coming together and extending a helping hand to each other have been one of the powerful ways to fight this situation of distress and panic.
Hope it all ends soon and we may strengthen ourselves much stronger to fight against any such situation. A virus should not affect us in the similar way as this time, let’s pledge to make our earth a better planet to Live on before looking for an alternative. Let’s preserve out Mother Earth.
By Mrs.Nimisha
Computer teacher
Kairos international school